Bydragen fan TohaomgBot
A user with 46 edits. Account created on 31 jul 2017.
30 des 2017
- 05.4330 des 2017, 05.43 fersk. skied. 0 L Orlando (Floarida) BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
21 des 2017
- 20.0321 des 2017, 20.03 fersk. skied. 0 L East-Timor BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 19.4521 des 2017, 19.45 fersk. skied. 0 L Jan Brander BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG. lêste
9 des 2017
- 01.189 des 2017, 01.18 fersk. skied. +1 L Noard-Dakota BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 01.139 des 2017, 01.13 fersk. skied. −3 L Noard-Karolina BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 01.039 des 2017, 01.03 fersk. skied. +9 L Marylân BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 00.319 des 2017, 00.31 fersk. skied. +8 L Washington, D.C. BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 00.209 des 2017, 00.20 fersk. skied. −1 L Nevada BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 00.029 des 2017, 00.02 fersk. skied. −1 L Minnesota BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
8 des 2017
- 23.548 des 2017, 23.54 fersk. skied. +14 L Louisiana BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
5 sep 2017
- 08.505 sep 2017, 08.50 fersk. skied. 0 L Moskou BOT: Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
29 aug 2017
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Transfiguraasjekleaster (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Kazankleaster (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Kleaster fan Tolga Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Himelfearttsjerke (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Tsjerke fan Us Ferlosser yn de Stêd (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Epifanytsjerke (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Fjodorovskitsjerke (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Tsjerke fan Jehannes Krysostomos (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Aartsingel Michaeltsjerke (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Tsjerke fan de Profeet Elía (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Untsliepeniskatedraal (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Tsjerke fan de Hillige Nikolaas yn Rûbleny Gorod (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 09.4229 aug 2017, 09.42 fersk. skied. 0 L Jehannes de Dopertsjerke (Jaroslavl) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
10 aug 2017
- 18.2110 aug 2017, 18.21 fersk. skied. +5 L Oblasten fan Ruslân Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 17.4810 aug 2017, 17.48 fersk. skied. 0 L Smolensk Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 16.5810 aug 2017, 16.58 fersk. skied. 0 L Oblasten fan Ruslân Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 16.4310 aug 2017, 16.43 fersk. skied. 0 L Oblasten fan Ruslân Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 16.3910 aug 2017, 16.39 fersk. skied. +7 L Himelfeartkatedraal (Novotsjerkassk) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 16.3910 aug 2017, 16.39 fersk. skied. +7 L Opstanningskatedraal (Starotsjerkasskaja) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
9 aug 2017
- 23.029 aug 2017, 23.02 fersk. skied. 0 L Transfiguraasjetsjerke (Starotsjerkasskaja) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 23.029 aug 2017, 23.02 fersk. skied. 0 L Donskoi-kleaster (Starotsjerkasskaja) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 23.029 aug 2017, 23.02 fersk. skied. 0 L Hillich Krústsjerke (Rostov oan de Don) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 23.029 aug 2017, 23.02 fersk. skied. 0 L Iverski-kleaster (Rostov oan de Don) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 23.029 aug 2017, 23.02 fersk. skied. 0 L Katedraal fan de Berte fan de Hear (Volgodonsk) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 23.029 aug 2017, 23.02 fersk. skied. 0 L Katedraal fan de Berte fan de Faam Marije (Rostov oan de Don) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 06.109 aug 2017, 06.10 fersk. skied. 0 L Aleksander Nevskikatedraal (Novosibirsk) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 06.109 aug 2017, 06.10 fersk. skied. 0 L Trije-ienheidskatedraal (Novosibirsk) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
2 aug 2017
- 17.352 aug 2017, 17.35 fersk. skied. 0 L Kleaster fan de Berte fan Us Leaffrou (Zadonsk) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 15.302 aug 2017, 15.30 fersk. skied. 0 L Katedraal fan de Berte fan de Hear (Novokûznjetsk) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 13.042 aug 2017, 13.04 fersk. skied. 0 L Trije-ienheidstsjerke (Irkûtsk) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 13.042 aug 2017, 13.04 fersk. skied. 0 L Kazankatedraal (Irkûtsk) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 13.042 aug 2017, 13.04 fersk. skied. 0 L Vladimirtsjerke (Irkûtsk) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 13.042 aug 2017, 13.04 fersk. skied. 0 L Epifanykatedraal (Irkûtsk) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
- 11.472 aug 2017, 11.47 fersk. skied. 0 L Perm (stêd) Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.
31 jul 2017
- 23.2831 jul 2017, 23.28 fersk. skied. 0 L Nottingham Replaced raster image with an image of format SVG.