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Meidogger oerlis:AbelardoBCN

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Dear AbelardoBCN. In the last couple of weeks you have uploaded several pages concerning the Spanish city of Melilla to the Frisian Wikipedia. These pages obviously are machine translations of articles from other Wikipedias. However, the text of these translations is grammatically and lexically so poor that it would have taken a rewrite of the entire article to fix it. As we are a very small Wikipedia with a very limited number of users, we just don't have the time to do that. Therefore, we have had to delete those contributions of yours. I hope you can understand our reasons for doing so. Please do not upload any other machine translated articles in the same sort of broken Frisian. If you do so despite this request, we will have to delete those, as well. Best regards, Ieneach fan 'e Esk (oerlis) 14 okt 2024, 20.54 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]