Bydragen fan Pavel Fric
A user with 5 edits. Account created on 28 nov 2014.
7 feb 2023
- 11.287 feb 2023, 11.28 fersk. skied. +40 Moraavje The coat of arms of Moravia. Moravian eagle. Appropriate shape of the figure in relation to the shape of the shield. lêste
27 feb 2015
- 13.4427 feb 2015, 13.44 fersk. skied. +1.018 Moraavje No edit summary
25 feb 2015
- 11.1225 feb 2015, 11.12 fersk. skied. +45 Moraavje No edit summary
28 nov 2014
- 21.4628 nov 2014, 21.46 fersk. skied. +2.493 N Meidogger:Pavel Fric Nije Side: Hi, first I should explain, that it's about 15 or 20 years, when the group of one single word "Česko" supporters appeared (they have own club, I think), they are good and focused on... lêste
- 20.3628 nov 2014, 20.36 fersk. skied. +536 N Oerlis:Tsjechje Nije Side: == The three historical lands, that Česká republika (Czech Republic) consists from == There is another land to the east of "Tsjechje" called '''Morava''' (Moravia, Mähren; about 1/3... lêste