Bydragen fan Cocu
Foar Cocu oerlis útslútloch opladen lochs global block log global account misbrûkloch global contributions
A user with 2 edits. Account created on 21 feb 2010.
10 jun 2011
- 21.5110 jun 2011, 21.51 fersk. skied. +1.493 N Meidogger:Cocu Nije Side: {{Babel|{{CONTENTLANGUAGE}}-0|no|nn|sv-2|da-2|en-2|de-1|es-1}} <div style="align: left; padding: 1em; border: solid 2px #6495ed; background-color: #E0eeff;"> <center><big>Hi! I am [[:no:B... lêste
9 jun 2011
- 19.259 jun 2011, 19.25 fersk. skied. +398 N Meidogger:CocuBot Nije Side: '''This bot belongs to Cocu from the Norwegian Wikipedia'''<br /> It uses standard pywikipedia for adding interwiki links in the main and catego... lêste