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Milenniumbrêge[boarne bewurkje]

Wit immen wat mear oer de Milenniumbrêge? Faaks kinne wy dan wat tekst opnimme yn in stikje oer gebouwen of ferbinings of skiednis, krekt wêr't it bypast. Aliter 21.55, jun 23, 2006 (CEST)

Ik wol wol eefkes wat sykje.--SK-luuut 21.57, jun 23, 2006 (CEST)
Fan de Ingelske Wiki:

Millennium Bridge, Podgorica From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search

Millennium Bridge, Podgorica, MontenegroThe Millennium Bridge is a recently completed cable-stayed bridge over the Morača river, in Podgorica, Montenegro. The bridge was officially opened on July 13, 2005, Montenegro's National Day, and quickly became one of the city's most prominent landmarks.

It is 140 m long, and the pylon is rising 57 m high. Twelve cables support the roadbed, while twenty four more are attached to the counterweights, creating an impressive image. The bridge was designed by Mladen Ulićević, a professor at University of Montenegro.

Ik sil wol foar in fertaling sykje.SK-luuut 22.00, jun 23, 2006 (CEST)

Bosnjers en Bosniakken[boarne bewurkje]

    • Hohoho blinders --- Moai dat wy mei syn allen dwaande binne mei dizze side, mar wy moatte net te rap blikstjinders... >> Bosniak(ker)s binne neffens my net itselde as Bosnjers. Ik sil besykje en fyn it út hoe't it krekt sit.

Hjir wie ik alwer:

Bosnians (Bosanci; sing. Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Bosanac) are people who live in, or come from, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It includes people of different ethnicities. The term Bosnians is non-ethnic and should not be confused with Bosniaks who are an ethnic group known as Bosnian Muslims during the Yugoslavian period.

Bosnians include various ethnic groups which live in Bosnia: Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats, Roma, Albanians, Montenegrins, and others.

Ik meitsje der mar Bosniakken fan, at dat net doogt dan sjoch ik it wol. Groet, Swartehenkie

Ho, in flaterke. Ik wit dat dy twa wurden bestean, en dochs doch ik it sels ek ferkeard. Daalks siden foar oanmeitsje. Aliter 01.49, jun 24, 2006 (CEST)

Der binne brêgen dy't net twa kanten meiïnoar ferbine, mar it binne der net safolle dat wy dat der by alle brêgen spesjaal bysette moatte. Ik soe sizze dat oer de/it <wetter> almeast wol genôch is. Aliter 23.40, 12 jul 2006 (CEST)