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Image of Assien Bohmers

[boarne bewurkje]

Dear Drewes, please excuse me for not beeing familiar with the Frisian language. I just created an article about Assien Bohmers in the de:WP by copying and translating the russian version which is quite different from the Frisian one. Unfortunately the photograph of Bohmers (Ofbyld:J. C. Bohmers, pasfoto.gif) exists only in the fy:WP. May I ask you for uploading the image to WPcommons if the license allows it? Thank You in advance. --Fredou (talk) 4 jul 2014, 11.47 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]

Dear Fredou, I have'nt the faintest idea about copyrights. I just took from [1] and nobody cared so far. Please do not upload the image to WPcommons! I would not like you to get into trouble. --Drewes (talk) 7 jul 2014, 20.15 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]
Thank You, dear Drewes. I will obstain from the upload and search for other sources. --Fredou (talk) 10 jul 2014, 08.37 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]