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Berjocht oerlis:Haadside:kategory-en-ynterwiky

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[boarne bewurkje]

Soe de list fan Ynterwiki's op Alfabetyske folchoarder setten wurden kinne? J'88 13 okt 2010, 09.45 (CEST)[beäntwurdzje]


[boarne bewurkje]

Hello friends,
it might be more efficient, to use the short form of the main pages:
Example: Instead of [[frr:Hoodsid]] just [[frr:]]
The effect ist, that you find our main page [[frr:Wikipedia:Hoodsid]] directly and not thru a redirect.
All the best, Jens from frrwiki --Murma174 (talk) 13 nov 2012, 17.04 (CET)[beäntwurdzje]